立体定向和功能性神经外科杂志 ›› 2022, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (1): 44-47.DOI: 10.19854/j.cnki.1008-2425.2022.01.0009

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张楠, 杨涛, 李冬雪, 夏成雨   

  1. 230001 合肥 中国科学技术大学附属第一医院(安徽省立医院)神经外科
  • 收稿日期:2021-10-09 出版日期:2022-02-25 发布日期:2022-05-31
  • 通讯作者: 夏成雨 docxiachengyu@163.com

The Application of Piezosurgery in the resection of skull base tumors

Zhang Nan, Yang Tao, Li Dongxue, et al.   

  1. Department of Neurosurgery,The First Affiliated Hospital of USTC,Division of Life Sciences and Medicine,University of Science and Technology of China,Hefei,230001,China
  • Received:2021-10-09 Online:2022-02-25 Published:2022-05-31

摘要: 目的 介绍在颅底肿瘤切除术中超声骨刀的应用经验。方法 回顾分析24例颅底肿瘤患者的临床资料,详细介绍超声骨刀的原理、构成及其在不同类型颅底肿瘤手术过程中的具体应用方法。结果 6例行颧弓及眶外侧壁切除,12例行蝶骨嵴内侧、前床突、视神经管骨质切除,5例行岩尖骨质切除,3例行内听道后唇骨质切除。所有患者均手术顺利。行颧弓及眶外侧壁切除的患者术后骨质复位良好。其余患者均实现了颅底骨质的精准切除,未发生硬膜损伤及神经血管损伤带来的并发症。结论 超声骨刀可以实现对骨质精准、高效的选择性切割,可避免软组织损伤,术中视野清晰,可极大提高颅底肿瘤手术的安全性,值得进一步推广应用。

关键词: 颅底肿瘤, 超声骨刀, 骨质切除

Abstract: Objective To introduce the experience of applying piezosurgery in the resection of skull base tumors.Methods We retrospectively analyze the clinical data of 24 patients with skull base tumors and explicitly introduce the working mechanism and specific Methods of using piezosurgery device in different kinds of skull base tumors.Results The piezosurgery was used for resection of zygomatic arch and lateral wall of orbit in 6 patients,for bone resection of medial sphenoid ridge,anterior clinoid process and optic nerve canal in 12 patients,for bone resection of petrous apex in 5 patients and of posterior internal acoustic canal in 3 patients.The operations were uneventful in all the patients.In patients who underwent resection of zygomatic arch,the cutting edge was intact and smooth with no apparent bone loss.The other patients all achieved precise resection of the skull base bone.No complications resulting from dura and nerve vascular damage occurred.Conclusion Piezosurgery can make the selective bone cutting precise and efficient.Misdamage to the soft tissues can be effectively avoided and the clearance of the surgical field can be guaranteed.Such advantages of piezosurgery greatly elevate the safeness of skull base surgery,which makes it worth widespread prompting.

Key words: Skull base tumor, Piezosurgery, Bone cutting
